Healing - For Every Body

Function & Vitality


We believe in innovative care. We believe in your wellbeing.

This is about you—your body, your health, your healing. Each person is unique, that’s why we utilize multiple techniques and therapies to prioritize your comfort and to aid in the healing process.

Our Services

Chiropractic Manipulation

Dr. Tom utilizes hands-on adjustments, the Activator, and the Thompson Drop Table to address subluxations in the spinal column, as well as in the rest of the body from the knees to the extremities.

Dry Needling Therapy

Dry Needling (DNT) is a technique adapted from Acupuncture to manipulate fascia, stimulate and release muscle tension, and to calm the nervous system. The needles create stimulation which signals the immune system to repair the area. DNT can be helpful in many acute and chronic neuromusculoskeletal conditions, and can aid in muscle release prior to adjustments.

Kinesiotape physiotherapy used for healing patient at Watershed Chiropractic


Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, Graston, Active Release, Acupressure, Kinesiotape, and myofascial release are among some of the therapies used to aid in healing and recovery.

Dr. Tom and functional medicine patient reviewing personalized plan

Functional Medicine

Dr. Tom partners with his patients to develop individualized, patient-centered and science-based strategies in order to find root causes of illness and to optimize health through lifestyle and nutritional therapies.

“Human beings are magnificent and complex creatures. I have great respect for and am humbled by that complexity, particularly how it reveals itself in health.”

— Dr. Tom Krieger-Fritsch

Begin Your Healing Journey.

Watershed Chiropractic and Wellness Nutrition Dispensary

Intentionally sourced supplements from companies we trust.